Sunday, January 31, 2010

A report of contact with al-Awlaki since the underwear attack

In Yemen.

Robert F. Worth at New York Times

Excerpt --
Mr. Awlaki said he had met and spoken with the Nigerian suspect, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, in Yemen last fall, according to the journalist, Abdulelah Hider Sha’ea, who played a digital recording of the cleric’s comments for this reporter.

Update 2 February: Sha'ea has sold Anwar's latest batch of threats to al-Jazeera. This is Sha'ea's personal website.

Update 7 February: To the suprise of nobody, al-Jazeera is now broadcasting al-Awlaki's terrorist rhetoric and incitement. As I predicted, al-Awlaki has suddenly become less mealy-mouthed and more overtly vicious.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Bin Ladin audio 2010.01.29

About four minutes long; it went straight to al-Jazeera. He talks about giant corporations, climate change, international use of American currency -- Adam Gadahn wrote this one, it's an odds-on bet.

Update: The audio is getting zero attention from the enemy, so I don't see much point in copying it here.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Anwar al-Awlaki is wanted dead or alive

The claim by Dana Priest at the Washington Post and at CBS that subsequent to the airstrike in Shabwah on 24 December "he has since been added to a shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically targeted for killing or capture by the JSOC" is correct.

Comment 2010.01.27:

Now that al-Awlaki is wanted by the USA, other al-Qa'ida members can trust him more than they could previously. AQ could well use a new anglophone propagandist; at the moment all they've got are Adam Gadahn and Omar Hammami. Meanwhile al-Awlaki would be safer in Somalia with the vicious Wahhabi Shabaab gang with whom he has at least a little affiliation, and he would then be able to communicate with his followers in the English-speaking world via the internet and via al-Jazeera.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

An all-German cell of the Islamic Jihad Union

The following is from a Turkish- and German-language website of the Islamic Jihad Union today.

[Update: The IJU site removed this piece soon after they posted it.]

Der einzige Weg ist der Widerstand und die Verbundenheit mit dem Jihad

Wer ist Abu Ishaq al-Muhajir und welche Informationen können Sie uns, im Bezug auf die ‚Deutschen Taliban Mujahedeen‘, geben? Was für eine Gruppe sind sie und welche Ziele verfolgen sie?

Bevor ich beginne, spreche ich alles Lob und Dank dem einzigen Rabb, Allah, subhana wa teala, aus. Er ist der Rabb, der alle Seelen in Seiner Hand hält, der Allweise, der Ewigbeständige. Frieden und Segen seien auf dem Gesandten Allahs. Er ist der Führer aller Führer und das beste Geschöpf aller Zeiten.
Abu Ishaq al-Muhajir ist ein Mensch, von den Menschen. Zwischen den ewiggültigen Lehren des Gesandten Allahs, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, ist die folgende wegweisende Aussage von ihm, eine der wichtigsten: „Seid ein Mensch unter den Menschen.“ Wenn man es aus dieser Sicht betrachtet, so bin ich lediglich ein Mensch, ohne besondere Fähigkeiten.
Ich, Abu Ishaq al-Muhajir, bin in Deutschland geboren und habe, bis zum Alter der Universität, in Deutschland gelebt. Meine Kindheit und meine Jugend habe ich in Deutschland verbracht. Ich kann also sagen, dass ich das deutsche Volk gut kenne. Im Endeffekt werden wir überall, als aufständische Menschen, angesehen. Aber ganz ehrlich, auch wenn wir überall mit so etwas konfrontiert werden, ist dies für uns nicht besonders von Bedeutung,…denn die Botschaft, für die wir stehen, geht über persönliche Identitäten hinaus. Das, was uns ausschließlich Würde und Ehre gibt, ist unsere islamische Identität! Diese Identität ist uns wertvoller, als alle anderen Identitäten. Der Sinn der Gabe des Lebens ist auf hohe bedeutungsvolle Ziele gerichtet. Im Gegensatz dazu ist das Leben in einer kapitalistischen Gesellschaft, in der man auf, von Menschen gemachte, falsche Systeme reinfällt, bedeutungslos und ohne jeglichen Sinn. Und die eigentliche Wahrheit ist doch, dass die Taliban, die Kartontürme dieser Welt, durch ihre religiösen Botschaften zerschmettert haben und auch weiterhin zerschmettern werden. Diejenigen, die dem Weg von Qur´an und Sunnah folgen, sind dabei, diese Welt erneut und in ihrem ursprünglichen Zustand, zu bringen. Die ‚Deutschen Taliban Mujahedeen‘ sind eine Bewegung, die der Aqidah, der Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama´ah, welche sehr weit verbreitet ist, in Afghanistan, angehören. Unsere Bewegung arbeitet unter dem Banner der ‚Islamischen Emirate Afghanistan‘ und besteht ausschließlich aus deutschen Mujahedeen. Damit die Religion Allahs, subhana wa teala, auf dieser Erde, das einzige ist, wonach gerichtet wird, öffnen wir unsere Herzen und Türen für alle unsere Mujahedeen-Geschwister, aus Europa und besonders aus Deutschland und hoffen, dass wir, Schulter an Schulter, gegen die Besatzungsmächte, auf der ganzen Welt, die sich auf islamischem Boden befinden, kämpfen werden.

In welchem Zustand befindet sich der islamische Widerstand, in Afghanistan, zur Zeit?

Wie man sehen kann, konnten weder die Amerikaner, noch irgendeine andere Macht, das größte Problem des 20. Jahrhunderts, den Kommunismus, vernichten. Es waren die Mujahedeen, welche die UdSSR und den Kommunismus, zerstört und gemeinsam mit hervorragenden Führern , wie Mullah ´Umar und Mullah Jalaluddin Haqqani, den Besatzungsmächten, schon sehr oft in der Geschichte, die Stirn geboten und ihnen harte Schläge verpasst haben. Wir sollten uns, in der Geschichte, zurückerinnern, wie auf dem Boden Khorasans, die britischen und russischen Besatzungsmächte, sehr harte Schläge einstecken und deshalb fliehen mussten. Und genau so, werden auch die christlichen Besatzer und ihre zionistische Allianz, eine vernichtende Niederlage einstecken müssen. Al-hamdulillah, die Mujahedeen, die den ‚Islamischen Emiraten Afghanistan‘ angehören, führen wöchentlich, mehr als achtzig Operationen, gegen die Besatzungsmächte und ihre, von der Religion abgekehrten, Hunde, durch. Eines der schönsten Beispiele, für den herrschenden Widerstand in Afghanistan, ist die Märtyreroperation, die in der C.I.A.-Geheimbasis, in Khost, durchgeführt wurde.

Was sagen Sie dazu, dass die 'Deutschen Taliban Mujahedeen' in Verbindung mit "Terror" und "Tod" gesetzt und als ebenwürdig angesehen werden?

Dies ist eine völlig absurde Behauptung. Man muss wissen, dass die gleichen Vorwürfe dem Gesandten Allahs, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, gemacht wurden, d.h. schlichtweg, dass, wenn Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in unsere heutige Zeit käme, er auch als ein Terrorist bezeichnet werden würde. Als Amr bin As, radiyallahu anhu, der Stellvertreter von Makkah, der zu dieser Zeit noch kein Muslim war, mit Nejaschi sprach, sagte er zu ihm: „Die Muslime sind aufständige Menschen. Sie haben, zwischen dem Vater und seinem Sohn, Zwietracht gebracht.“ Zu jener Zeit bedeutete, nicht zu den Kuffar zu gehören, ein ‚Unruhestifter‘ und jemand der ‚Zwietracht‘ bringt, zu sein. Als König Frederick, die Muslime aus Sizilien, von der Insel vertrieb, sagte er: „Diese sind alle Aufständige.“ Als der König von Byzanz, gegen die Muslime, einen Krieg begann, benutzte er den Begriff: „Diese sind Wüstenaufständige.“ Was ich damit meine ist, dass es diese Sache schon seit je her gibt…entweder ihr seid von uns oder von den Aufständigen …oder heutzutage ein Terrorist. Nehmen wir als Beispiel die Berber…das Wort Berber ist abgeleitet von Barbare, d.h. wer sich alles dem römischen Reich nicht gebeugt hat oder beugen wollte, gehörte somit zu den Barbaren. Es gibt sogar ‚Barbaren-Stämme‘ und dies nur, weil sie die Herrschaft des römischen Reiches, nicht akzeptiert haben…ansonsten sind die Römer, im Sinne der Grausamkeit, viel grausamer. Es waren z.B. auch wieder die Römer, welche die Menschen von Löwen haben zerfleischen lassen. Und heutzutage können Sie natürlich auch wieder den modernen Römern vertrauen und die ‚Deutschen Taliban Mujahedeen‘ als Terroristen bezeichnen. Und trotzdem werden wir niemals ‚Terroristen‘ sein. Nur wenn Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, ein Terrorist war, dann sind wir auch Terroristen. Da wir nicht auf der Seite der Besatzungsmacht Amerikas und seines faschistischen Dieners Deutschland stehen, sind wir Terroristen. Ihr könnt zu uns sagen, was immer ihr wollt, aber seit dem Jahre 2000, sind in Afghanistan, Palästina, Tschetschenien und dem Irak, mehr als 100.000 Kinder getötet worden. Und wer ist dafür der Verantwortliche? Als 60 Juden gestorben sind, wurde, auf der ganzen Welt, eine Gedenkminute abgehalten. Als jedoch in der islamischen Welt 100.000 Kinder gestorben sind, hat niemand, auch nur mit der Wimper, gezuckt. Ab hier überlasse ich die Sache dem Gewissen eines jeden Einzelnen…

Gibt es eine spezielle Gruppe von Mujahedeen, die unter der Führung des Amir, der 'Deutschen Taliban Mujahedeen', Abu Ishaq al-Muhajir, stehen? Und welche Art der Ausbildung bekommen sie?

Um ehrlich zu sein, eine eigene Leibgarde besitze ich nicht, denn ich bin kein Sultan oder so. Natürlich haben wir Mujahedeen, die sehr gute Kenntnisse über Waffen und Ausrüstung haben. Diese sind nicht an mich gebunden, sondern handeln entsprechend der Anweisungen der Taliban. Diese Ausbildung wird in einem sehr umpfangreichen Rahmen gegeben, d.h. Unterrichte von chemischen und explosiven Stoffen, über Hadith- und Shariawissen, bis hin zu Waffenkunde, aller Waffen, dieser Zeit. Außerdem verfügen wir über Kenntnisse u.A. im Bereich des Spionage- und Nachrichtendienstes oder im Umgang mit Computern. Die ‚Deutschen Taliban Mujahedeen‘ sind derzeit eine sehr moderne Kampftruppe. Eine militärische Einheit, die leicht, effektiv und durchschlagsfähig ist.

Ihr letztes Wort…an die Widerstandskämpfer … an das afghanische Volk … an das amerikanische und das deutsche Volk?

Wir sagen unseren Anführern im Jihad und unseren Geschwistern: „Seid Stolz auf euch und kämpft, mit aller Kraft, gegen die Besatzer.“

An das afghanische Volk: „Dafür, dass ihr uns unterstützt und uns eure Hilfe nicht verweigert habt und stets geduldig wart, werden wir euch und dieses Land nicht alleine lassen. “

An das amerikanische und deutsche Volk: „ Wie lange wollt ihr diesen Irrsinn noch glauben? Und sagt euren Führern, dass sie zur Besinnung kommen und nicht weiter das Blut, unserer und eurer Soldaten, vergießen sollen. Wir werden die Soldaten Allahs, subhana wa teala, nicht eher, von unserer Pflicht des Kampfes, zurückziehen und so lange kämpfen, bis auch euer letzter Mann, auf dem Schlachtfeld, stirbt.“

Deutsche Taliban Mujahedeen

UBL audio to al-Jazeera claims the underwear bombing attempt

The version I have is slightly over a minute long but seems to contain UBL's whole statement. It is an audio only, of poor quality; it might have been transmitted by telephone to al-Jazeera in Islamabad or elsewhere, but it was probably not UBL speaking live, but rather a recording played over the phone. The audio is undated. Bin Ladin crimes Obama for the predicament of the Gazans, but does not mention Hamas, whose members kill all their rivals including the al-Qa'ida wannabes.

Update: Al-Jazeera has put the recording on YouTube.

Update, 24 January: UBL doesn't exactly claim the plot, but he endorses it and he promises more of the same if he doesn't get his own way re the Gaza Strip. It's odd that he would focus on Gaza at this time, and I suspect that his motive for doing so is to ingratiate himself with one of Hamas's few remaining Arabian backers, namely Abdul-Majid al-Zindani in Yemen.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Massari looking for Iranian and Shi'ite support

On Mohammed al-Massari's pro-terrorism Medad as-Sayoof forum in London, a bit of bootlicking to the "great Shi'ite imams". The sender

هادم الأصنام
iconoclast, idol-smasher

مجاهد فعال
effective mujahid

could be just a sock puppet of Massari himself. Massari has been unable to mend fences with Maqdisi's guys, so he's trying some new ways to get support. Endorsing the Iranian mullocracy is very abnormal for a contemporary Sunni terrorist.

العريفي هو أحد "دعاة" وزارة الداخلية السعودية التي تستلهم واجباتها من دعوة محمد بن عبد الوهاب وابن باز والعثيمين

قام العريفي مؤخراً بإلقاء خطبة عصماء سبّ فيها المجوسي آية الشيطان السيستاني بعدما حرّض أنصار الدعوة السلفجامية على ما سمّاه هو "الجهاد ضد الحوثيين"

وقد ظهر "العريفي" في إحدى الصور وهو يحمل رشّاشاً إلى جانب جندي سعودي متمسلف على مذهب السفير الأمريكي في السعودية

أمة الإسلام لا يزال الجهل مستشرياً بين كثير من أبنائها للأسف ، إذ قاموا بالتصفيق للعريفي واعتبروه يقول كلمة حق ضد كبير أئمة الرافضة في العراق

ولكنهم لم يعلموا أن خطبة العريفي جاءت تنفيذاً لسياسة وزارة الداخلية والدفاع في دولة آل سلول التي تتبع مذهب ابن عبد الوهاب

قال العريفي في خطبته أن الحوثيين أتباع قبور وأنهم ينفذون تعليمات إيران وعميلها الزنديق القابع في إحدى ضواحي العراق "ويقصد السيستاني"

ما شاء الله على كلمة الحق هذه

أرأيتم كيف يستغل علماء ومشايخ آل سلول الدين لخدمة أهدافهم وسياساتهم ؟

أرأيتم كيف يستغل علماء ومشايخ آل سلول جهل المسلمين في الترويج لعمليات الجيش السعودي المستعرب العميل لأمريكا ؟

القتال ضد الحوثيين جهاد !!! لأنهم عبّاد قبور

أما القتال ضد الأمريكان الصليبيين وعملاؤهم فهو حرام وإرهاب ! لأنه اعتداء على أهل الذمة والمستأمنين

يا أيها المسلمون ليست العبرة أن يسب أحدنا السيستاني ليصبح من الدعاة المجاهدين أو الخطباء المفوّهين

ليست العبرة أن نقول عن الرافضة عبّاد قبور لكي يقال عنا أننا "موحّدون" و"سلفيون"

يا أمة الإسلام أفيقي .. الحكام الطواغيت وجيوشهم هم أداة اليهود والصليبيين ومشايخهم أبواق رخيصة في مؤسساتهم

السيستاني مجوسي مجرم لا لأنه يدعم معارضي الدولة السعودية ، ولكنه مجرم زنديق لأنه يحارب الإسلام وأهله ويتعاون مع الاحتلال اليهودي الصليبي على بلاد المسلمين

الدولة السعودية تقاتل الحوثيين ليس دفاعاً عن الإسلام والعقيدة ... ولكنها تقاتلهم لذر الرماد في عيون الجهلة ولتبقى سياسة الصهاينة قائمة في جزيرة العرب

الدولة السعودية تقاتل الحوثيين لا لأنهم شيعة روافض أو زيديين ، ولكنها تقاتلهم حفاظاً على الاتفاقيات اليهودية ومن بينها اتفاقية سايكس بيكو

اللهم اهدم كيان دولة آل سلول ، وأقم دولة الإسلام على أنقاضها

هادم الأصنام

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tartusi of Londonistan getting belligerent

Abu Baseer at-Tartusi, real name Abdul-Mun'im Mustafa Halima, recently posted a fatwa "authorizing" violence against the regime of Saudi Arabia. Well, more accurately, somebody had asked him for permission to commit such violence and Tartusi condemned the Saudi regime and left the call up to the reader. I don't want to give links here to Tartusi's websites, which carry serious malware, but you can find the fatwa on the English websites of the Shabaab franchise of al-Qa'ida.

At-Tartusi (a mock-tribal surname, after Tartus in Syria) is a terrorism-friendly Sunni pseudo-cleric, harboured and supported by the British government since he fled from the defeated Ikhwan uprising in Syria years ago. Tartusi especially admired the rampaging butcher who called himself Abu Mus'ab az-Zarqawi.

Tartusi as a rule writes only in Arabic, which is one of the reasons why his following in Londonistan is small. He does however have the endorsement of Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi's people.

Audio of Hani al-Siba'i, who operates unobstructed in London, applauding the Jordanian al-Qa'ida member who killed 7 CIA personnel.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

About the airstrike against Qassim al-Raimi, AQAP denies it all

Below is what appeared on th Faluja forum and its mirrors, attributed to Fajr.

مراسل الفجر


[ بيان توضيح كذب إعلام الطواغيت والصليبين]

الحمد لله القائل: {بَلْ نَقْذِفُ بِالْحَقِّ عَلَى الْبَاطِلِ فَيَدْمَغُهُ فَإِذَا هُوَ زَاهِقٌ وَلَكُمُ الْوَيْلُ مِمَّا تَصِفُونَ}، والصلاة والسلام على النبي الخاتم القائل: " وإن الكذب يهدي إلى الفجور، وإن الفجور يهدي إلى النار، وإن الرجل ليكذب حتى يكتب عند الله كذاباً"
أما بعد ...............

فقد كثر من الحكومة اليمنية العميلة الادعاءات الكاذبة، بزعمها نجاح عملياتها المشتركة مع الأمريكان، ضد قيادات المجاهدين في جزيرة العرب، وآخر هذه الادعاءات أنها قتلت ستة منهم بين ولايتي الجوف وصعدة في منطقة الأجاشر، وإننا نطمئن أمتنا المسلمة أنه لم يقتل أحد من المجاهدين في تلك الغارة الغاشمة الغادرة، وإنما أصيب بعض الأخوة بجروح طفيفة، وكما أن الحكومة اليمنية تكذب في أعداد القتلى في غاراتها السابقة، فهي كذلك تكذب في الأسماء التي توردها لتبرير غارتها الأخيرة الفاشلة.
وتأتي هذه الكذبة تكملة لمسلسل الأكاذيب التي روجتها الحكومة عن الغارات السابقة، بدأً من غارة أبين والتي شاهد الناس ضحاياها من النساء والأطفال والآمنين وحتى الغارة الأخيرة، والتي فشلت في تحقيق أهدافها ولله الحمد.
إن الحكومة اليمنية العميلة تسعى من خلال هذه الادعاءات؛ لإثبات نصر مزعوم، تتقدم به قرباناً لأوباما وبراون وحلفائهما في مؤتمر لندن، زاعمة أن لها القدرة للقضاء على المجاهدين في جزيرة العرب، وهدف المسؤولين اليمنيين هو أكل السحت من أموال الغرب ببيع دماء النساء والأطفال المسلمين في جزيرة محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم.
إن واجب أمتنا المسلمة اليوم هو إعلان الجهاد على الكفار وأعوانهم العملاء، ليس في البر فحسب ولكن في البحر والجو أيضا ، فالبوارج الحربية الصليبية موجودة في خليج عدن، وفي بحر العرب وفي البحر الأحمر، والطائرات التجسسية الأمريكية منتهكة لأجواء جزيرة العرب، وكما أعلنوها حرباً مفتوحة على أهل الإسلام، فيجب علينا أن نعلنها حرباً مفتوحة على الصليبيين وأعوانهم الخونة، قال تعالى: { وَقَاتِلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ كَافَّـةً كَمَا يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ كَافَّة } [التوبة:36].
ونلفت انتباه إخواننا المسلمين في أنحاء الأرض إلى عدم تصديق إعلام الحكومة اليمنية المرجف، وبعض القنوات الفضائية، حتى يصدر بيان رسمي من جهتنا عبر المراكز والمنتديات الجهادية الصادقة على شبكة الانترنت، وإن شاء الله سنوافيكم بتفاصيل أكثر عن هذه الحملة الأمريكية السعودية اليمنية الصليبية لاحقاً، والتأخير إنما هو لدواعٍ أمنية.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

From Mrs. Zawahiri

Or so they claim on the English-Urdu forum of the Lal Masjid people who name themeselves after the jamia hafsa madrassa. It's a letter to prospective jihadi-ettes.

The jamia hafsa madrassa was for burqa-concealed female students only, and it's destruction by Pakistani forces in 2007 really got under Ayman al-Zawahiri's skin.

Update: Below is an English translation done by somebody in the largely European "Mourabiteen" online group. I have omitted the opening and closing paternosters.

To the Muslim Sisters
Umaymah Hasan Ahmed Muhammed Hasan
Wife of Sheikh Ayman Al Zawahiri

My righteous sisters, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you...
I wanted to talk with you, from quite a while, about the great happenings and decisive situations our Ummah is going through, but the circumstances intervened between me and you, bur it is high time now that I talk with my honorable sisters, however I start with our families and loved ones in our dear country, and I say to them, don’t worry for us, for we are by the grace of the Almighty in wellness and bounties from Allah Almighty, and our hearts and souls are with you, though we have
been separated by the distances.
This is how this world is, meetings and partings as we seek solace in the fact that we are on the truth and for truth are we called upon, as our Lord Almighty has said
“So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers. (Surah Aal Imran 139)”
And it might happen that we meet soon if Allah wills because the ease of Allah is close and His victory is eminent by the will of Allah.
And after the family and loved ones I direct my word to the righteous sisters in our precious Islamic Ummah, and would specify in mentioning our dear stationed sisters in the lands of Jihad in different spots of the earth, and to our mothers who have given up their sons in the way of Allah and the victory of His religion. And in spite of this, they do not tire or get bored from aiding this religion. How many husbands and sons and brothers have they given!!! and How much were they hurt in the way of Allah!!! So all of our conditions are one; Women who are stationed and in Jihad, who are hurt in the way of Allah, and gave what they had of sacrifices, but – by Allah beside who there is no God - all this has not and will not belate us even a moment from aiding our religion in spite of what we have gone through in this path from the losing of loved ones and distance from families. In spite of all this- we do not find anything except the sweetness of what we are in, accepting what Allah has honored us with, and exalted over the rest of his slaves, that He blessed us with Jihad in His way, and aiding of His religion, and raising His word high. In spite of all these trials we are in sufficiency of living, and honor and blessing from Allah almighty. So my dear and beloved sisters : Steadfastness, steadfastness on this path. For verily, no Super Power nor any international alliances will stop us, and Allah Almighty is with us, and he is our reliance and caretaker, and we will not fear any one, who ever it be, except Allah Almighty, and we are – and praise is to Allah- over what ever we face, steadfast and we seek glad tidings with the promise of Allah to us, as our Lord said “Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed with him said,"When is the help of Allah?" Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near. (Surah Baqara 214)”
So victory is near by the will of Allah, and our Lord will not abandon, so it is either victory or either martyrdom, and each of it is sweeter than the other. And we will not relax in the service of our religion for it is the most precious thing we posses.
I ask Allah for us and for our sisters in the different spots of earth – and specially in the lands of Stationing, like Palestine and Iraq and Chechnya and Afghanistan and Somalia- patience and steadfastness till death, for it is either victory or martyrdom. “And Allah is predominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know. (Surah Yusuf 21)”
And I remind my self and my dear Muslim sisters of the (Women)Companions – the Mujahidaat and Migrants and Believers, for they are the best of ideals for us, and through them we are guided and by them we feel solace. For how many are the lessons and how many are the wisdom in their pure life stories. They did not ever tire or falter from the service of our religion, so we –Allah willing – are on their path. And the greatest ideal for us is Sayyidah Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her). She supported the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) immensly in fulfilling his daawah. And she used to say to him ‘Never! By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you. You keep good relations with your Kith and kin, serve your guests generously, help the poor and the destitute and assist the deserving calamity-afilicted ones.’
And similarly Sayyidah Safiyyah –May Allah be pleased with her- she was from the bravest of women. When a Jew passed by the fort, he started patrolling around the fort and the Muslims were in the throats of their enemies. She came down and killed the Jew with a pole. She was not scared and she did not falter. So she was braver than many men of today.
And similarly Sayyidah Umm Ammarah (May Allah be pleased with her) she was injured in Uhud twelve times while defending the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and she lost her hand on the day of Yamamah, leaving out which, she was injured on the day of Yamamah 11 times.
So these are the ones whom we follow, in supporting our Husbands on the right, in bravery and in footsteps and we do not fear any one except Allah Almighty.

My second letter is to my Imprisoned Muslim sisters in the prisons of the Tyrants
I say to them: You are in our hearts, and we will not forget you ever, and Allah willing we will not leave any effort to release you from imprisonment, for you are our honor and we are your sisters, and we never forget you. And Allah knows that we always pray to Allah to protect you from every evil and harm and hasten your release.
My third letter is to the common Muslim women in the world Firstly I call them to adhere with all the rules of Islam, for in it is the happiness of the world and the victory in the here after, specially adherence with Hijab, for it is the title of the Muslim woman who is obedient to her Lord, obedient to His orders. And in leaving it there is obedience to Satan, and as you know O Muslim sisters, the campaign against the Hijab is from the fiercest wars between Islam and Kufr, for these criminal Kuffars want the woman yo get rid of her religion, and the first thing that the woman leaves is her; outfit and cover, for if the woman left her outfit and cover, it is followed by leaving the rest of her religion.
So the Muslim women should take care of this well, and as you know O Muslim sister that the West does not want you except as a commodity to trade with, and to erase with you the poles of Islam, for Hijab is for the Muslim woman the first pole from the pillars of Islam, as in it is your sanctity and your purity and cover.
And the Western world does not want you to be adherent with hijab for the adherence of the woman to Hijab depicts their lowness and the cheapness of their manners and their social habitat.
The Kafir West trades with women, and considers woman a cheap commodity, for she is for them neither inviolable nor respected but she is for them a source from the sources of trade of evil and shamelessness, and refuge is with Allah from all this.
But the Muslim veiled woman is inviolable and respected in her house and outside and she is the precious jewel, and the expensive pearl. And as our Lord Almighty has said “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. (Surah Al Ahzaab 59)”. This is the saying of Allah the Almighty to his prophet peace be upon him to address with it his wives and daughters and the women of Muslims.
Therefore, we should, me dear sisters, adhere to the Shari Hijab, for that is better for us in the world and hereafter Secondly, I advice my Muslim sisters to raise their sons on the obedience of Allah the Almighty and the love of Jihad in His way, and persuade their brothers and husbands and sons to defend the lands of Muslims and their wealth, and to retrieve them from the occupiers, who have violated the lands of Muslims, and looted its riches, and to awaken the Ummah to acquit itself from those who want to collaborate with the enemies and give up the lands of Muslims And I also advice them to help the Mujahideen with prayers and money, and to help the families of the injured and the prisoners with money and donations to their children and women, for they are in the greatest of need for support to face the difficulties of life.
And I remind my sisters with the saying of Prophet (peace and blessing upon him) : “Fasting is protection and Sadaqah extinguishes the sins like water extinguishes fire” (Reported by Tirmidhi, and he classified it as Hasan Saheeh) And I also remind them with the saying of Prophet (peace and blessing upon him) : “O the gathering of women, give alms for I have seen you as the majority of the inhabitants of Hell fire” (Reported by Bukhari)
And I assure my Muslim sisters everywhere of the role of the Muslim woman in the Islamic world, for women are the siblings of men, so the Muslim women should work beside men to defend her religion and land. Thus she should defend with herself and if she cannot then with her money and if she cannot then by calling in the way of her religion by inviting her Muslim sisters in the Masjids, schools, institutes and houses, and if she is incapable of that then through the internet, she should write her Daawah and spread it and spread the call of the Mujahideen and it will reach by the will of Allah and she will find heedful ears and hearts. So I hope from you my dear sister that you do not tire or get bored , from aiding our religion in any way possible.
And by the way, many questions have been raised concerning the role of the Muslim women in the current Jihad, and I say, and from Allah is guidance: Jihad is Fard Ayn on every Muslim man and woman, but the way of fighting is not easy for Muslim women for it requires a Mahram, as the woman should have a Mahram with her in her going and coming, but we should aid our religion in several ways, and should keep our selves in the service of the Mujahideen, and we should fulfill whatever they ask of us, may it be through monetary aid to them or any service or information or suggestion or participation in fighting or even through a martyrdom operation, How many sisters have performed martyrdom operations in Palestine and Iraq and Chechnya, and vexed the enemy, and caused them a great defeat!!! We ask Allah to accept them and make us follow them in goodness.
But our basic role in which we hope Allah to accept from us, is to protect the Mujahideen in their children and houses and secrets, and to help them by giving good upbringing to their children. Your Migrant sisters- and to Allah is all praise and thanks- are doing a great work in this field, and are practicing great patience and steadfastness and bravery and abstinence from the world and love of the Hereafter and working for it, in spite of what they are facing of hardship in living, and losing of their husbands and children and fathers, and lack of stability, to the point that some of them have been put to trial through captivity, but your migrant sisters are patient and seeking the pleasure of Allah, and to Allah is all praise and thanks.
At the end of my statement I would like to remind my sisters that our end and sustenance are written with Allah, and Jihad does not bring hasten ones death, nor does it decrease sustenance, and that Jihad today has become Fard Ayn, as the foreign Kafir enemy has occupied the lands of Muslims and the three sacred sites are under its control and occupation and also the apostate puppet rulers have taken control over the Muslims, and the scholars have consensus on the necessity of the removal of the apostate.
And as the martyr of Islam –as we hold him – the Sheikh Abd Allah Azzam –May Allah have mercy on him said– Jihad has become Fard Ayn on the Ummah since the fall of Andalus. As the commanders of the Mujahideen call the Ummah to leave to the battlefields of Jihad, we should , my dear sisters, not abstain from this religious obligation and we should persuade others to it.
And I give you glad tidings that Jihad is in victory and development, and the Western media in spite of its acceptance of the losses of the Crusades and the Jews in many fields of Jihad, does not transfer except a part of the truth, and hides most of it. So you should take by the Media of the Mujahideen, that transfers the reality from the battlefield, and depicts the fake of the Western media. And here, we stand in front of you as a living example of the incapability of the Crusaders, for after 8 years from the starting of the Crusades we are still – by the grace of Allah - carrying out Jihad from Chechnya to the Islamic Algeria, so have faith in the victory of Allah, who says in his Book “Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak. (Surah An Nisa’a 76)”

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mansour ash-Shami, Jordian Qa'ida member, eliminated

The main Sunni forums announced today that he was killed in one of the drone strikes in Pakistan.

Animated banner of his last propaganda video.

Memorial graphic from al-Qa'ida.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Yemeni forces claim substantial progress around Sana'a

The Yemeni armed forces site called 26 September claims to have killed a number of terrorists, some of whom they name, and destroyed seven of their vehicles in and around the nation's capital Sana'a.

The cult compound "Eman University", which is Wahhabi and not Shi'ite like the Houthi group, is in Sana'a. But does not mention Eman, nor its founder and boss Abdul-Majid al-Zindani, nor Anwar al-Awlaki, who might be hiding there.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Anwar al-Awlaki still unaccounted for

After years of nursing the self-pity and grandiosity of his anglophone gutter audience, Anwar al-Awlaki's career took an abrupt turn on 24 December 2009 when an airstrike was delivered to his al-Qa'ida friends in spite of the chance of killing al-Awlaki in the process. The "martyrdom" that he encourages other Islamists to pursue, he himself nearly received and is now in line for, assuming that he is still alive. If I understand that cult leader, and I think I do, he will be deeply shocked -- shocked into silence, temporarily, and shocked into hiding, possibly at Eman University in Sana'a (a cult compound run by terrorism financier and gun-runner Abdul-Majid az-Zindani).

At present the facts available about al-Awlaki are mostly negative ones. No terrorist cleric or terrorist financier, nor any of the Londonistani al-Qa'ida people, has jumped up to protest the Shabwah raid and make dire imprecations about a forthcoming AQ response. The raid in Shabwah is getting relative little enemy discussion and no reliable reporting in the internet forums, presumably because (1) it was a disaster for al-Qa'ida, and (2) not many enemy in that location lived to tell about what happened, and those who did are on the run.

If al-Awlaki was privy to the Christmas Day airliner plot, then he must be in a state of consternation to know Abdulmutallab is still alive and in American custody. That wasn't in the script. Al-Awlaki wants all his followers dead, not only because he never saw a corpse he didn't love, but also because dead terrorists tell no tales.

Update: CNN is now looking at Eman University and Zindani.

Update: Fox too.

If al-Awlaki reaches the safety of Zindani's bizarre "university", he will be able to communicate on the internet. If he does so communicate, then his words may well be shaped to ingratiate himself with Zindani. Specifically, if al-Awlaki goes out of his way to make excuses for Hamas, then it can be taken as evidence that he is in Eman U. That is because, although Hamas has been in al-Qa'ida's bad books since August 2009 when they killed off the AQ startup group called Jund Ansar Allah, Hamas still has the firm support of Zindani's money and his weapons-smuggling apparatus.

Don't go the website of Eman University unless you have reliable security software running.