Friday, October 31, 2008

Hussein bin Mahmoud

حسين بن محمود
Hussein bin Mahmoud

I don't know his real name, but that is the name he uses on restricted terrorist forums and in terrorism-friendly internet rooms like the one operated by al-Jazeera.
His rank in AQ, at least among those members who appear regularly on the internet, is definitely quite near the top. He could one of al-Qa'ida's financiers, possibly

ياسين عبد الله عز الدين قاضي
Yasin Abdullah Izzuddin Qadi (or al-Qadi)
Jiddah, Saudi Arabia

or, less likely in my opinion,

وائل حمزة عبد الفتح جليدان
Wa'il Hamza Abdul-Fatah Julaidan
Madina, Saudi Arabia and Sana'a, Yemen

He is one of the sixteen "writer"-level members of the senior (but declining) al-Qa'ida forum called Hesbah, where his username is "rooooh50". He even has his own logo:

Today, 2008.10.31, he uploaded a message addressed to Usama Bin Ladin. He says his 7-year-old daughter "wants to see her uncle Usama". The rest of the letter is equally sentimental.

Hussein bin Mahmoud has some sort of education, can read English, and seems to have freedom of movement and information. He has written several commentaries on material that he has read from the American RAND Corporation.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Al Qa'ida wannabes in Gaza

Since they wiped out Fatah in the Gaza Strip last year, the only opposition that Hamas cannot easily eliminate comes from the warlord Mumtaz Dughmush and his array of affiliated criminal gangs and militias in the Sabra neighborhood of Gaza City. Some of these anti-Hamas subsets have for months now been putting on a show of Salafism, in the hope of getting a supply of money and weapons from the same rich Arabs who bankroll al-Qa'ida. Their techniques include: aggrandizing Usama Bin Ladin, Abu Mus'ab az-Zarqawi, and the like; affecting prestigious tribal-sounding names; purporting to "refute" Hamas's policies by quoting select bits and pieces of the qur'aan -- in general just imitating al-Qa'ida and its clerics. One of the Sabra rabble-rousers who is playing the part of the cleric is a guy who goes by "Abu an-Nur al-Maqdisi" (after Bayt al-Maqdis, a Muslim name for Jerusalem).

On the Sunni terrorist websites, the flow of condemnations, threats, and oaths against Hamas has been pretty heavy and steady. Naturally some of that material is just hot air from nonparticipants, notably some so-called Palestinian refugees who have never even seen the Gaza Strip. But some of it is authentic enough.

Those are samples of the banners that accompany audio releases coming out of Gaza these days. The guy with the gray beard is Abu an-Nur. His people call themselves Salafi Jihad. They are not the same people as the more famous Jaish al-Islam, kidnappers of Alan Johnston, of whom about a dozen members were massacred by Hamas in mid-September.

Eid al-Fitr 2008 pep talk from Abu Yahya al-Libi

As in several of his previous videos, al-Qa'ida's best propagandist aggrandizes and incites "jihad" in a sermon more than half an hour long. The video was made outdoors during daytime, presumably somewhere in Pakistan. At al-Libi's feet is a group of what I presume are "mujahideen".

The religion-heavy speech is aimed in part at recruitment and fundraising, in view of the fact that he speaks in Arabic rather than in an Afghan or Pakistani language, and no interpreter is present.

Update: A transcript, in Arabic only, appeared today, 30 October.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Audio from Abu Hamza al-Muhajir

Yusuf ad-Dardiri is his real name. Fugitive from Egypt, head of what remains of al-Qa'ida in Iraq.

43 minutes 53 seconds. Furqan Media production. It is a scripted "interview".

Dardiri threatens the UK, the USA, and Australia (in that order) at around the 39 minute point, and claims that his network was aware of the Glasgow airport bombing plot, which failed.

CBS Internet Terror Monitor has a bit about it.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Eric Breininger in another Badr at-Tawheed video

There is a copy here and some commentary at CBS News.
Badr at-Tawheed is the media name of the Islamic Jihad Union.
While in Waziristan, Breininger seems to have had the protection of the tribal chief and warlord Jalaluddin Haqqani of Miranshah, North Waziristan.
This new video was probably put together in Turkey or possibly Germany, where there are many speakers of Turkish. Breininger himself seems to have only German.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

AQI statement on the death of Mohamed Moumou (Abu Qaswarah)

Via the Hesbah forum, a statement signed by the nonexistent Abu Omar al-Baghdadi. I have omitted the opening and closing formalities from the original.

نُعزي ونهنئ رجال دولة الإسلام, وخاصةً فرسان الشمال بشهادة عَلَم من أعلام الدولة, وبنَّاء ماهرٍ حريص من عُمَّارها, فقد ترجل الفارسُ العجيب والحبيبُ القريب ( أبو قسورة ) جوادَ العز ليمتطي جوادَ الكرامة.

ولئن كان رحيل أبي قسوة أميرِ الشمال مؤلماً وقاسياً فلقد فرحت له لأنه أدرك ما كان يرجو وإليه يسعى ويحبو أن يموت على هذا الدرب دربِ الجهاد وعقيدةِ التوحيد, غير مبدلٍ ولا مُغير ولا مُفرط. فرحتُ لأن الله أكرمه واختاره للشهادة وبين جنوده قائلاً لهم بأصدق لسان .. لسان الحال: ها أنا ذا أميركم أقاتل ثم أفجر حزامي الناسف دفاعاً عن ديني وتمسكاً بطريقي وعملاً بوصية أميري, فمن كان لنا محباً فليقبض على دينه وليحمل الراية ويتقدم الصف قائلاً ألا لا نامت عيون الجبناء.

يا ولياً يولي الأيادي سراً *** ووزيراً فليس يكسب وزرا

مـا رأيـنا والله في من رأينا *** لك مثـلاً من البرية قراً

مات أبو قسوة شهيداً -نحسبه والله حسيبه- بعد رحلةٍ طويلة على درب الجهاد بدأت من معسكرات أفغانستان, فلقد عرف الجميع طلحةَ المغربي مُحباً لصاحب العقيدة ولو كان بخيلاً جباناً, يكره فاسدها ولو كان كريماً شجاعاً.

رمى أبو قسورة جنسيته السويدية في سلة المهملات, و هي التي يلهث وراء بريق فتاتها الكثيرُ الكثير, ولم يركن إلى زوجة أوروبية وأولاد خمسة كالبدر جمالاً, إنما فارقهم وهو المحب العاشق لهم, فلم يعرفوا خبره ولم يرَ أولاده منذ ثلاث سنين ولكن بعد أن رحَّلهم إلى مكان يحسب أنهم يكونون أقرب إلى مولاهم منهم في ديار الكفر.

وكان دائماً واثقاً من حفظ الله لهم مُردداً قوله تعالى : (وَأَمَّا الْجِدَارُ فَكَانَ لِغُلَامَيْنِ يَتِيمَيْنِ فِي الْمَدِينَةِ وَكَانَ تَحْتَهُ كَنْزٌ لَهُمَا وَكَانَ أَبُوهُمَا صَالِحًا).

فهي إذاً العقيدة التي حمل همَّها, وقاتلَ لأجلها, وماتَ في سبيلها وتحت لوائها لواءِ لا إله الا الله محمد رسول الله.

فاثبتوا يا فرسانَ الشمال ورجالَ دولة الإسلام على ما مات عليه حبيبنا أبو قسورة, فعيبٌ على الفارس أن تفتنه زوجة حسناء أو ولد يبكي عند قدميه, قال الله تعالى : (يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّ مِنْ أَزْوَاجِكُمْ وَأَوْلادِكُمْ عَدُوّاً لَكُمْ فَاحْذَرُوهُمْ). مات أبو قسورة تاركاً وراءه إخوةً رجالاً يعرفون كيف يثأرون لدمه, فقد أحبهم وأحبوه, وأكرمهم وأكرموه, فحاشاهم أن يقعدوا خلفه أو يتركوا ثأره.

نم يا عبيد قريرة أجفانك

ماكنت يوماً كاذباً إخوانك

كنت النصوح لدينهم مشفاقا

فافرح بفوز قد أتتك جنانك

فمن كان للشهيد محباً, ولدربه سالكاً, ولقتله متألماً, فليصدق وليقتل قربة لمولاه وثأراً لأخيه ومن معه كافراً من الكفار سواءً أكان مرتداً أو كافراً محتلاً, وإن كنتُ أعلم أن صاحبكم كان يعشق دماء العملاء والخونة وعلى رأسهم الحزب الشيطاني. 

(يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قَاتِلُوا الَّذِينَ يَلُونَكُمْ مِنَ الْكُفَّارِ وَلْيَجِدُوا فِيكُمْ غِلْظَةً وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الْمُتَّقِينَ).

والله غالبٌ على أمره ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون

أخوكم أبو عمر القرشي البغدادي

Update: There is an audio version of the announcement, by the voice-actor who plays Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, mentioned here at CBS News.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Spain rounds up 8 around Barcelona

Update from CNN, this batch has been released but is still required to check in with Spanish authorities.

This video was a press houndout from the Guardia. It has no audio.

update, quoting CNN:
MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- Spanish police arrested 12 people Thursday on suspicion of Islamic terrorist activities, authorities said.

Eight of them, all Moroccans, were arrested early Thursday. They are suspected of providing cover for five fugitives from the Madrid train bombings four years ago and also of involvement in financing and recruiting of Islamic terrorists, according to the ministry statement and a judicial source.

Later Thursday, police arrested four more people -- three Moroccans and an Algerian -- in their prison cells for similar charges. Additional details about those four were not immediately released.

Hani al-Siba'i update

Yesterday the British tabloid The Sun reported that al-Siba'i has been allowed to stay in the UK until 2011. He denied it today on the Hesbah forum and on his Maqreze website.
My guess is that the story of imminent deportation is a lie by al-Siba'i. For one thing, the UK almost never kicks a terrorist out of the country. Abu Qatada is wanted in a dozen countries including five EU countries, but the UK dares not deport him. Abu Doha, Mohammed al-Massari, Yasir al-Sirri, and numerous other terrorist fugitives, facilitators, and instigators are harboured in the UK and in most cases continue to operate almost unhindered. For another thing, al-Siba'i has not said that the UK will actually put him out, but just that they have ordered him out; I reckon London won't put him out as long as no country in the world will accept him except Egypt, where he is looking at 15 years.

Al-Siba'i's thread at Hesbah has now had 59 responses.

Update 11 November 2008: On his blog, al-Siba'i reiterates that London has given him six months to get out or be deported.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ahmadullah Jan shows up on Hesbah

Mullah Ahmadullah Jan
الملا احمد الله جان
who is a Taliban mouthpiece (ee.g. November 2005 or June 2007) today uploaded to Hesbah a letter which he says was written on 27 June 2005 by the late unlamented Abu Laith al-Libi. The letter is a rather long one, which seems to aim to reassure the recipient (Jan I assume) that although things have been going badly for the jihad lately, all will be well.

update 16 October 2008:
Today the mullah added a false statement that three Canadian troops were killed in Afghanistan.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hani al-Siba'i says the UK has ordered him out.

He claims that Home Office has decided that he is a threat to the national security of the UK, and they have given him six months to leave. See thread number 195032 at Hesbah. (Hesbah is back online; it is a senior al-Qa'ida forum, and al-Siba'i is one of its most senior members.)

Among other things, al-Siba'i was a member of the Majlis ash-Shura of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, prior to the flight of Ayman al-Zawahiri and others (including himself) after the roundup in Albania. Al-Siba'i is one of the few Egyptian terrorists who still subordinates himself to al-Zawahiri. He has been sentenced to 15 years in Egypt.

After 38 responses, the thread at Hesbah has been closed by "Ibn al-Athir", who asks al-Siba'i to keep the brothers posted on the Maqreze website (run by al-Siba'i).

The thread has been moved within the Hesbah forum, and is now up to 44 responses. The new thread is number 195079.

update 13 October 2008:
Fifty responses now. Most are in the nature of prayers to Allah to protect al-Siba'i from "tyrants" and such things, meaning I presume from the British who have hosted al-Siba'i for ten years. The responders do seem to take seriously the idea that the UK will expel him, although it is almost unprecedented for the UK to deport or extradite a member of al-Qa'ida.

Dar al-Hayat (the Lebanese one) noticed al-Siba'i's statement.

On 14 October CBS noticed it.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Eric Breininger, interview from May 2008

From the main website of the Islamic Jihad Union I got these translations
MS Word format
Abode PDF format
of a brief "interview" with Eric Breininger, dated 23 May 2008.

More on Breininger and on Breininger and Hussain al-Malla.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

AQIM: Abu Yusuf al-'Anaabi, audio

AQIM refers to al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghreb, formerly GSPC.

Length 30:45, audio mocked up as a video. Narrator is this "emir":

أبي عبيدة يوسف العنابي
Abu 'Ubeida Yusuf al-'Anaabi
also called
أبو يوسف العنابي
Abu Yusuf al-'Anaabi

who has claimed responsibility in the last two months for at least two attacks against Algerian troops.

Unlike Gadahn's recent effort, this audio is long on religion, basically a Wahhabi fatwa, i.e. a cobbling of quotations from the qur'aan and hadith purporting to argue the legitimacy of al-Qa'ida's actions in Algeria. Secondarily, it tries to incite and promise some sort of aggression against al-Andalus, which is the Islamist name for that part of Spain over which the Arabs lost control more than five hundred years ago.
It appears to me that the main purpose of this audio is to paint an agreeable picture of AQIM in the eyes of AQ's financiers and religious superiors back in Arabia. That has been the pattern from them ever since mid-2004, when GSPC leader Nabil Sahraoui was killed and the Islamist movement in North Africa was at a low ebb. One of the surviving GSPC commanders, Abdel-Malik Droukdel, renamed himself Abu Mus'ab Abdul-Wadoud after Zarqawi, renamed his followers al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghreb, and for months afterward paid profuse obeisances to Usama Bin Ladin and Zarqawi. This policy of acting ultra-Salafist, along with lionization of AQIM by al-Jazeera, has succeeded in gaining new sponsors in Arabia for al-Qa'ida in North Africa. The same is true to a lesser extent for the gang in southern Russia under Doku Umarov, which now calls itself the Caucasus Emirate.

Enemy forums being taken down

The Sunni terrorist forums known as Ekhlaas, Firdaws, and Boraq all went dead around 9 September 2008. This development was definitely not voluntary on the part of whoever runs the forums. The kindred Faluja forum went dead a couple of days ago, and now the most exclusive "public" forum of them all, Hesbah, is in trouble.
That's what you get when you try to navigate within the Hesbah forum.

The main Hesbah page now gets:

Under one of their other URL's, Hesbah produces:

Also, majahden is dead.

Ansar al-Jihad AKA Ansar al-Mujahideen, involved with video production and distribution, has been kicked out by its hosting company. That one might return IMO.

Update 18 October:
Hesbah is back.
Commentary and conjecture from Washington Post Foreign Service.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Adam Gadahn reappears on video


32:07 AVI format. As-Sahab opening credit and watermark throughout. Gadahn speaks in English, and two versions of the video were released, one with an Arabic voiceover and one without. Usually, when as-Sahab is working on a video, they announce a few days in advance that it is coming, but this time the video appeared with no preliminary announcement. The filenames (after unpacking) are
Movie_00_(azzam to big india Arabic).avi
Movie_00_(azzam to big india English).avi

Gadahn wears a white shirt and turban with a black vest; the background has been digitally removed. He is seated with his elbows on a desk or table which is just out of view.
A gold-on-black flag is at Gadahn's right. It is the same as the one seen alongside Abu al-Yazid and Abu Yahya in recent as-Sahab pieces, but smaller. No other periphernalia or weapons are visible.

The video contains excerpts of fairly recent but not new audios from UBL and Zawahiri and a video from Mustafa Abu al-Yazid. Arabic in the audios has an English voiceover by someone with an accent. Apart from those excerpts, no one but Gadahn is seen or heard in the video.

The most recent specific events mentioned by Gadahn occurred on 17 September 2008: a meeting between General Ashfaq Parvez Kiyani and Admiral Mike Mullen, and a nearly simultaneous NATO airstrike within Pakistan.


Nothing in this video suggests to me that Gadahn himself has gone operational, or that he has any command over anyone, or that he is privy to any of al-Qa'ida's plans. When Gadahn first became wanted in 2004, he was part of a network of dangerous people including Haroun Fazul and Adnan Shukri Jumah. But judging from this piece, and the preceding one almost nine months earlier, Gadahn today is just one more talking head on the internet.

From the way he talks about Pakistan, I feel that he is still in Pakistan but not in a danger zone like Bajaur or Waziristan. He seems to spend a lot of time reading news on the internet.

The body of the piece is a grossly pretentious and arrogant speech about recent developments, mostly in Pakistan, less so about Afghanistan, a wee bit on Iraq and India, and a passing insult or two against KSA and the UK. In its aims, it is a familiar type of Sunni terrorist propaganda:
-- it tries to incite or feed resentment of AQ's enemies, on this occasion the government and democratic constitution of Pakistan.
-- it accuses the Muslim target (Islamabad) of deceptive, duplicitous, heretical, mercenary etc. etc. collaboration with Jews, Crusaders, etc. etc.
-- it claims that Kufr is mowing down innocent people deliberately and indiscriminately in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
-- it says that the mujahideen are on the verge of an historic victory.

Specifics, and notable omissions

The only big surprise in this video is its existence, proving that Gadahn was still alive at least until 17 September. The contents themselves are quite predictable, but some omissions are notable.

Gadahn makes no mention of the Palestinians. Not long before this video was made, Hamas massacred about 12 of their Salafist rivals in Gaza City (members of Jaish al-Islam and some uninvolved relatives), which infuriated al-Qa'ida, but Gadahn does not mention it.

The anniversary of the destruction of the Lal Masjid was a big deal to the top al-Qa'ida guys. But to Gadahn it seems to be just one more incident in a list he has compiled, to remind his listeners about, in the hope of inciting them against Islamabad. Indeed, Gadahn seems curiously detached from all the various heavy anti-terrorist and anti-Islamist actions in Pakistan during the months he was away.

It opens with parable from the qur'aan and hadith known as, "The believer is not bitten twice from the same hole", meaning he learns from experience what, or who, should be distrusted. Then come congratulations and condolences to the families of the martyrs in Afghanistan and tribal Pakistan.

Gadahn claims that a variety of recent criticism of American and allied interests is insincere: Islamabad is secretly in cahoots with Washington and is not sincere about defending Pakistan from the US or NATO; Karzai is a puppet and doesn't care about dead Afghan noncombatants; Riyadh is insincere in its criticism of the US in Iraq; Brown is feigning concern about US raids inside Pakistan (which is a Commonwealth country and the UK's main source of immigrants).

Then comes a bunch of anti-Islamabad accusations, about cooperation with the Americans. Gadahn seems to be talking about events in Pakistan from a safe distance, unlike Zawahiri. Twice he lists off the sites of various American drone attacks in Pakistan, but he does not name any of the dead, and indeed he seems to know nothing more about it than does anybody who reads about it in the online media.

Gadahn comes down rather specifically on General Kiyani, who became chief of staff when Musharraf took off his uniform. Kiyani's appointment seems to be a satisfactory choice to everybody except some Islamist-friendly army and ISI officers, and, apparently, al-Qa'ida. Zawahiri also singled out Kiyani, and the Gadahn video contains a copy of Zawahiri's condemnation of him. Gadahn imitates Zawahiri on this point, but wants to claim that Kiyani is Washington's man, whereas Zawahiri paints him more as Musharraf's man. This illustrates a general fact about the terrorist mentality: The country that any terrorist really hates is the country that he knows: his own country.

One more notable omission: Gadahn quotes from the qur'aan and other sacred texts relatively little. Citing the qur'aan for quasi-legal justification is a practice universal among Sunni terrorists and aggressors. But Gadahn's approach to rhetoric is the one he acquired before he converted to Islam, and quite Western. The rhetoric itself is far from expert.

Near the end, Gadahn exhorts a list of various classes of people to jihad, and among the list are "emigrants" (muhajiroon in Arabic) followed by "helper mujahideen" (ansar al-mujahideen). Both names, in their Arabic versions, are names of groups of al-Qa'ida sympathizers in Europe.

The video concludes with a grossly arrogant and condescending finale, enjoining all the Muslims in what he calls the region, or rather, ordering them all, to unite against Islamabad and its allies and its democratic constitution. It's an ugly spectacle -- this fugitive American convert talking down to the teeming Muslim masses in these words:

"Muslim brothers in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, and the region, emigrant and helper mujahideen, olimykuram, brave Muslims of the tribal areas, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Sarhad, Punjab, Sindh, Kashmir and elsewhere, don't betray Islam, and the martyrs of Islam, by falling into the traps set for you by the devious enemy, or letting the flourishing tree of Islam and jihad your martyrs have watered with their innocent blood sag, wither, or die. It's time for you to put aside tribal, ethnic, and territorial differences, and petty worldly disputes, not just for now, but forever, and unite, to restore the glories of your forefathers (etc. etc.)"

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

as-Sahab September 2008 re Lal Masjid

This as-Sahab video is elaborate in its production, but routine and typically crude in its methods of incitement and in its style of propaganda. Their target this time is Pakistan, specifically the current president Asif Ali Zardari and the former president Pervez Musharraf. The narration is in Urdu with Arabic subtitles. Length 1:04:39.

The main appetizer this time is the dead bigshot Abdur-Rashid Gazi and the other Wahhabis who died in the siege of a cult compound and arsenal known as the Red Mosque (Lal Masjid) in Islamabad. Abdur-Rashid was a sometime affiliate of Bin Ladin and a proponent of the appalling Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

Abdur-Rashid Gazi should not be confused with Abdul-Aziz Gazi, who was captured when he tried to sneak out of the Lal Masjid by wearing a burqa and pretending to be a woman.